Exercise Log 2.20.14 (Dev Day + Cardio)

It was a relaxing day today, weather is getting nicer and I got off work early so I took a nice midday siesta. After getting awake again and ready to go, I hit the gym for development day. My two weak spots this week were the front squats (my high volume, light weight front squats took a ton more out of me than I was expecting, so I wanted to reinforce it). I skipped arm day to go bouldering the night before, but didn’t feel like my arm workout was thorough enough.

Front Squats: Returning to a heavy rotation, or at least trying to, I had a tough time making the squats happen but it eventually happened. Set 1) 5 reps @ 135lbs. Set 2) 5 reps @ 145lbs. Set 3) 5 reps @ 155lbs (split set, 3 reps then 2). Set 4) 2 reps @ 165lbs, the second rep was high hip-wise but I felt it counted. Set 5) 5 reps @ 135lbs. So long story short, matched my max rep twice, so feeling good there.

Upright Barbell Rows: A new exercise for me, I’ve been feeling like my traps and shoulders need work and this is a staple exercise in many routines I see so I thought I’d try it. Had a great time and learned a lot about it, pretty straight forward but takes a lot of mental effort to keep form good and contract the muscles real good. Set 1) 10 reps @ bare bar. Set 2) 10 reps @ 65lbs. Set 3) 8 reps @ 85lbs (poor form). Set 4) 10 reps @ 65lbs. Set 5) 10 reps @ 65lbs with slower than usual tempo.

Next, arms…

Bicep Curls / French Press: 4 sets of 10 reps each @ 60lbs. Focused on slower than usual tempo and good form and concentration. These worked me real good was a nice start.

Overhand Grip Bicep Curls / Overhead Tricep Extensions: 4 sets of 10 reps each @ 50lbs.

Wide-Grip Pullups / Dips: 3 sets of 8 reps each. Did forced negatives on the pullups around the 5th or 6th rep to finish the sets. Still a very weak pull-up person, but I’m leaps and bounds ahead of where I was a year ago.

Chin-ups: To further boil in the arm work, did 3 sets of 8 reps of chin-ups.

Cable Bicep 1-Armed Overhead Curls / Rope Tricep Extensions: Hit up the cable machine to finish up arms. Sets 1 & 2) 10 reps each hand curls @ 40lbs / 12 reps extensions @ 80lbs. Sets 3 & 4) 8 reps each curls @ 50lbs / 10 reps extensions @ 90lbs.

Finished up with a fun 3.7 mile run. I’m still a little slow from the winter slowdown, but I’m feeling like I’m moving up and was able to run a little more intense.

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Projects & Links

The Thomas Jefferson Blog

My book that I wrote about a founding father who finds himself lost in time, set in the 2003-2006 post 9/11 Bush era of politics. Free for reading online, although I’ve abandoned efforts to get it published.
Read the Thomas Jefferson Blog ≫

Know True Evil

A small wallpaper page dedicated to those who lost their lives to the carelessness of government gone wrong.
Know True Evil ≫

Socialism WORKS!

Socialism WORKS! is a short website presentation I put together years ago with help from a friend. It is something of a snarky take on Socialism, critical of the advantages of Socialism from various origins of the idea.
Read Socialism WORKS!

Xavier’s Blog

My good friend Xavier Von Erck’s personal blog, he’s also the director of all the pjfi.org websites incidentally.
EvilVigilante.com ≫

The Perverted Justice Foundation

Perverted Justice Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization which works with law enforcement to help track and prosecute online predators. I help administrate all the sites on this network, in fact many of you may know me from my work there. If you don’t though, check it out.
PJFI.org ≫